How to activate your Loop Returns integration

Integrate your Loop account to use returns parameters.

Miriam from Kimonix

Last Update há 8 meses

Good to know:

The returns data parameters are shown at the bottom of our Analytics Parameters Dictionary.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to activate the integration, in order to use the returns data in your collections.

Step 1: Get the Loop Returns API key

  • Log in to your Loop Returns account.
  • Go to Settings -> Developers
  • Click "Generate API key".
  • Select all scopes.
  • Enter the Name: Kimonix
  • Click Generate.
  • Copy the key that was created.

Step 2: Insert the key and activate the integration

  • Go to your Kimonix app -> Settings page (on the left side menu) -> Paste the key and press "Save".
  • Press "Activate".

That's it, your loop integration is live!

Note: If you want to deactivate the integration, simply click the "Deactivate" button:

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